Font Downloads

To start using Musa, you'll need a font to display it, and a keyboard to enter text.

So far, Musa has 12 text font families available - regular, bold, italic, and bold italic - plus 3 ornamental fonts, 12 adjuvant fonts, and 2 technical fonts. Licenses for these fonts are described here. Click the names below to download the ones you want, or click this button to download all of the fonts:

Download All the Musa Fonts

The first word of the font name is just a name, like 'Arial' or 'Helvetica'. Fonts that share their name belong to the same font family. The second word is always 'Musa', to show that this font offers coverage of the Musa letters (codepoints E000-G2E3, and sometimes E2xx or E3xx). The remaining words are the gait (click here for a list of gaits), and finally the style (regular or bold and/or italic. All the fonts are in the OpenType format (OTF files), so they're compatible with all computers and phones.

Text Fonts

Text fonts are fonts you might use to write a entire text in a language, as opposed to just a title or sample.


The Dushan font family is the Helvetica of the Musa world. It's a solid monospace body font for Alphabet gait that's easy to read, looks good at any size, and doesn't require any Advanced Typography features. It includes basic ASCII the same size, so you can mix them in a monospace environment (like a text editor).

Dushan Musa Alphabet   

Dushan Musa Alphabet Bold   

Dushan Musa Alphabet Italic   

Dushan Musa Alphabet Bold Italic   


Kraljevo (pronounced Krālyevo) is a kerned variant of Dushan: adjacent letters that don't interfere are moved half a cell closer, so there's less whitespace within a word. Because of that, Kraljevo doesn't use a dot between words.

Kraljevo Musa Alphabet   

Kraljevo Musa Alphabet Bold   

Kraljevo Musa Alphabet Italic   

Kraljevo Musa Alphabet Bold Italic   


Taunus is a Ligature font, so many suffixes will be written attached to the consonant they modify. That's especially useful in languages with large inventories of suffixed consonants: Russian with soft consonants, Irish with slender consonants, Arabic with emphatic consonants, Hausa with both labialized and palatalized consonants, and many others. Like Kraljevo, Taunus is kerned, but it uses the dot.

Taunus Musa Ligature   

Taunus Musa Ligature Bold   

Taunus Musa Ligature Italic   

Taunus Musa Ligature Bold Italic   


Yousuf is also a Ligature font, but primarily a title font: for titles, headers, notices, and so forth. The letters are more decorative, with pointier points and curvier curves.

Yousuf Musa Ligature   

Yousuf Musa Ligature Bold   

Yousuf Musa Ligature Italic   

Yousuf Musa Ligature Bold Italic   


Averroes is an Abjad font for most Semitic languages: the vowels are smaller and appear above or below the line of consonants.

Averroes Musa Abjad   

Averroes Musa Abjad Bold   

Averroes Musa Abjad Italic   

Averroes Musa Abjad Bold Italic   


Njoya is a Syllabary font for Niger-Congo languages. Each glyph represents an entire syllable: consonant, vowel, tone and nasality.

Njoya Musa Syllabary   

Njoya Musa Syllabary Bold   

Njoya Musa Syllabary Italic   

Njoya Musa Syllabary Bold Italic   


Kaleb is an Abugida font for most Afroasiatic languages. Vowels are attached to consonants, but in various positions.

Kaleb Musa Abugida   

Kaleb Musa Abugida Bold   

Kaleb Musa Abugida Italic   

Kaleb Musa Abugida Bold Italic   


Ramanujan is an Akshara font for South Asian languages. Vowels are written as swashes adorning the preceding consonant.

Ramanujan Musa Akshara   

Ramanujan Musa Akshara Bold   

Ramanujan Musa Akshara Italic   

Ramanujan Musa Akshara Bold Italic   

Zhouhei 周黑

Zhouhei is a Fangzi or character font, for languages that are written with syllables grouped into a single block. The current revision supports at least the following languages: (Standard) Chinese, Cantonese, Taishanese, Fukienese, Shanghaiese, Vietnamese, and Thai. Zhouhei is a Hēitǐ 黑体 (sans-serif or Gothic) font.

Zhouhei Musa Fangzi   

Zhouhei Musa Fangzi Bold   

Zhouhei Musa Fangzi Italic   

Zhouhei Musa Fangzi Bold Italic   

Kunming 昆明

Kunming is another Fangzi font, but in Sòngtǐ 宋体 (woodblock) style, with serifs.

Kunming Musa Fangzi   

Kunming Musa Fangzi Bold   

Kunming Musa Fangzi Italic   

Kunming Musa Fangzi Bold Italic   

Wangkai 王楷

Wangkai is yet another Fangzi font, but in Kāití 楷体 (brush) style. It's named after Wáng Cìzhòng 王次仲, a founder of Chinese calligraphy.

Wangkai Musa Fangzi   

Wangkai Musa Fangzi Bold   

Wangkai Musa Fangzi Italic   

Wangkai Musa Fangzi Bold Italic   


The Yasuhiro font family is for Kana gait, for Japanese, Ainu, and Okinawan. Each letter represents a consonant + vowel pair, possibly with a medial y or w. The last vowel before a pitch downstep is written high.

Yasuhiro Musa Kana   

Yasuhiro Musa Kana Bold   

Yasuhiro Musa Kana Italic   

Yasuhiro Musa Kana Bold Italic   

To display kerning, ligatures, kana or characters correctly, you may have to enable them in your application - read the Help pages to find out how. (Many fonts no longer display in Microsoft Word® for Windows any more, as of one of the 2020 updates. It's not just Musa fonts that have a problem, so it's not a Musa problem. Some Musa fonts display correctly: Taunus, Kraljevo, Hentrax.)

Once you have installed a Musa font, you can test it on the Font Test page.

Ornamental Fonts

An ornamental font is used as a form of decoration, usually just for a title or a short paragraph (not for an entire text). Musa currently offers three of them.


Penflower is an Alphabet font for many languages. It's meant to evoke flowers growing in a field.

Penflower Musa Alphabet   

Penflower Musa Alphabet Bold   

Penflower Musa Alphabet Italic   

Penflower Musa Alphabet Bold Italic   


Tharbis is an ornamental font that could be used with several gaits: Abjad, Syllabary, Abugida, Akshara, or Kana. Vowels are shown as "frames" around consonants.

Tharbis Musa Abugida   

Tharbis Musa Abugida Bold   

Tharbis Musa Abugida Italic   

Tharbis Musa Abugida Bold Italic   


Hentrax (because it looks like hen tracks!) is an Element font: it breaks down each letter into its constituent shapes. The shapes are designed to be easy to distinguish, with sharper angles and smoother curves, and obvious orientation. Hentrax is intended for use by blind people (as raised text), by dyslexics, and for optical character recognition (OCR). Just regular.

Hentrax Musa Element   

Adjuvant Fonts

There are also fonts we use for teaching Musa, to help learners parse Musa. There are several different types:

The Tomokana Musa Ruby font shows hiragana above Musa Kana gait:

Tomokana Musa Ruby   

Tomokana Musa Ruby Bold   

Tomokana Musa Ruby Italic   

Tomokana Musa Ruby Bold Italic   

The Roman Musa Trans font respells Musa letters in a generic Roman alphabet:

Roman Musa Trans   

The Subtitle Musa Ruby font shows Roman letters underneath Musa Alphabet gait:

Subtitle Musa Ruby   

The Heritage Musa Trans font respells Musa letters in the enPR phonemic transcription used by Wiktionary and the American Heritage Dictionary for English only:

Heritage Musa Trans   

The Hermitage Musa Ruby font shows those same enPR / AHD transcriptions underneath Musa Alphabet gait:

Hermitage Musa Ruby   

The Ripe Musa Trans font shows the IPA spelling of the sounds of Musa letters:

Ripe Musa Trans   

The Overripe Musa Ruby font shows IPA letters underneath Musa Alphabet gait:

Overripe Musa Ruby   

The Unripe Musa Trans font shows the Musa spelling of the sounds of IPA letters:

Unripe Musa Trans   ʌnɹajp musa tɹænz

The Underripe Musa Ruby font shows Musa letters underneath IPA:

Underripe Musa Ruby   ʌndɚɹajp musa ɹuwbi

The Pygmalion Musa Diacritic font offers Musa vowel diacritics ("vocritics") that fit above Roman vowels.

Pygmalion Musa Diacritic   Pygmalion Musa Diacritic

The Galatea Musa Diacritic font includes Musa vowels and consonants, and in addition a Roman base font. The vocritics are higher, raising the line height.

Galatea Musa Diacritic   Galatea Musa Diacritic

The Numeric Musa Trans font respells Musa numbers in Western numerals.

Numeric Musa Trans   

Technical Fonts

Technical fonts are used for math or programming. They include

Tartaglia is a Formula font: it enables you to decorate the 1D spelling of a mathematical formula with lines above and below that connect matching brackets - the 2D form - thus making it much easier to read. Not ready yet

Tartaglia Musa Formula   

Eminem is a Markup font: it enables you to see Musa Markup as symbols embedded in the text.

Eminem Musa Markup   

Here's a page where you can test to make sure your Musa fonts have been installed:

Font Test page

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